Leigh-Chantelle is driven to understand how new online social practices have changed how we interact and communicate with others.
Specialising in Digital Well-Being & Cyberpsychology; both concerned with the relationship we have with technology.
Graduating with a Bachelor of Psychology in 2020, Leigh-Chantelle is currently undertaking her PhD on autonomous vehicles and blockchain technologies. She is a digital wellness educator, university tutor, and is working toward becoming a lecturer in cyberpsychology.
Her areas of expertise are: cyberpsychology, cybersecurity, digital wellbeing, and digital communication.

Leigh-Chantelle is a published author, international speaker and consultant for small businesses, corporate clients, events and festivals.
Speaker, Consultant & Author on
- Digital Well-Being & Digital Detox
- Online Etiquette & Effective Communication
- Tech Tips & Online Security
- Online Marketing, Advertising & Social Media
- Staging Effective Events & Engaging Volunteers
- Writing & Releasing Your Own Book or eBook
- Fulfilment By Amazon (FBA) Australia
- Veganise Your Business
The Basics
- Why Vegan?
- What Do Vegans Eat?
- The Benefits of Being Vegan
- The Environmental Impacts of Our Diet
- 20 Years a Vegan
- Ethics Beyond the Plate
- Veganism: More Than Just a Diet
- Should Vegans Eat Mock Meat Products?
- Commitment and Consistency in Business and Beyond
- Activism & Ethics
- Vegan Fashion
- Promoting Veganism Online
- Marketing Yourself Using Social Media
- Online Etiquette & Effective Communication
- Tech Tips & Online Security
- Positive Blogging
- Vegan Activism Online
Business & Promotion
- Promoting Veganism
- Vegans as Entrepreneurs
- Staging Effective Events & Engaging Volunteers
- Writing & Releasing Your Own Book or eBook
- Creating Your Vegan Tribe
- Community Building
- Activism & Engaging Abroad
- International Activism
Queensland based Business?
You may be eligible for a government grant to cover Leigh-Chantelle’s digital services. Click the link below for details.